Electrical certification might not sound sexy, but as a customer, it’s more important than you might think. High-end audio has historically either ignored or circumvented import standards imposed in export markets, relying instead on ‘self-certification’. In other words, a company ‘certifies’ that its products meet the expected standards in a given market – which is […]
Category Archives: 1 Series
The latest advertisement from CH Precision doesn’t just celebrate the fact that 1 Series components are now available in the same three, classic colours as the 10 Series, but reminds potential customers that underneath, they still provide the same innovative technology, user configurable topology, upgradability and class-leading musical performance. And before you all start pointing […]
Jim Austin of Stereophile reviews the L1 line-stage (with and without the X1 external power supply). Although Stereophile has spent time with the L1 before now, it has always been as an adjunct to a review of another CH component – like the M1.1 – rather than in its own right. Well, now JA has […]
The I1 integrated amplifier gets taken home and taken to task in this excellent VUmètre review, a review that uses the I1 in exactly the system scenario and domestic context for which it’s intended. Living space doesn’t come much more pressured than a Paris appartment. When that appartment belongs to an arts and music reviewer, […]
The P1 Phono Stage has just received its latest Firmware update (V1.10) and this time the improvements are operational, related to the variable EQ option. As any P1 owners who looked longingly at the P10 when it was launched will know, the flagship Phono Stage offers not just a new circuit topology, but new facilities […]
Alan Taffel of The Absolute Sound magazine reviews the I1 V2.2 software upgrade! Since when did magazines start reviewing firmware updates? Since those updates started significantly upgrading the performance of the units in question. It’s fair to say that Alan Taffel was impressed by the upgrade in performance. He was floored by the fact that […]
Who knew that the I1 was named Nigel? Apparently, Roy Gregory at Gy8. His recent article “We Need to Talk About Nigel…” is subtitled, Understanding CH Precision’s I1 – no ordinary integrated. It captures perfectly just what makes the I1 so conceptually and technically distinct from other integrated amplifiers, the advantages of its unique approach […]
Roy Gregory’s comprehensive C1.2 review for Gy8.eu is ready to read, in full, right here. Detailing the differences between the C1 and the C1.2, both mechanically and sonically, as well as the way it fits around the other boxes in the CH digital eco-system, this is a must read for anybody contemplating a serious DAC/Controller […]
Stereophile editor Jim Austin’s eagerly awaited, in-depth review covers not just the performance and technology built into the C1.2 DAC/Controller, but the part it plays at the centre of the CH Precision digital eco-system, surrounded by the D1.5 CD/SACD transport, X1 External Power Supply and T1 Time Reference. How did JA enjoy his time with […]
Getting bored with the same old reviewers, churning through the same old clichés? Well, here’s something to perk your interest. Laurent Thorin of French audio magazine VUmètre has reviewed the D1.5 CD/SACD player (he’ll be looking at the transport function in the context of the four-box set up next) and you can read the English […]