VUmètre Magazine Loves The D1.5

Getting bored with the same old reviewers, churning through the same old clichés? Well, here’s something to perk your interest.

Laurent Thorin of French audio magazine VUmètre has reviewed the D1.5 CD/SACD player (he’ll be looking at the transport function in the context of the four-box set up next) and you can read the English translation here.

Even allowing for the cultural and linguistic shift that always goes with a translated article, this one definitely has a certain je ne sais quoi! As refreshingly different as it is enlightening, this is a great read. Here’s just a taste…

“The sound quality observed during the many weeks of this test has oscillated between good and amazing. Good, because the D1.5 had the good sense not to accentuate musical and sonic flaws, allowing even slightly contentious recordings to appear remarkable. And amazing, simply because when the record is good, the CH Precision player transports us to a state of grace.”

“Of course, the D1.5 is out of reach for most people, including me. And this is a huge regret – because this machine’s performance is simply prodigious. It produces uncanny (and unique) musicality with disarming ease. At VUmètre, we can’t say whether the D1.5 is the best player in the world, because we haven’t tried them all. What we can tell you is that the D1.5 is, without a doubt, the best player we’ve heard.”