In February 2020, Greg Weaver reviewed the CH Precision I1 and we think it’s fair to say that he liked it… a lot! Enough to give it one of this year’s coveted Blue Note awards. There’s a link to his full review below, but for those who habitually skip to the highlights –
“I absolutely loved my time with this splendid device. The CH Precision I1 offers a level of performance from a single package that is completely unsurpassed in my experience… a dazzling and exhilarating execution of a product in a relatively new device category; While I could never call the I1 an “affordable” all-in-one solution, the level of resolve, refinement, grace, sophistication, and engagement this device offers make it an absolute steal, an overachieving value, a true bargain at its lofty price point. Most highly recommended.”